All In 2035 Economic Opportunity Plan
The goals and strategies laid out in All In 2035 represent the culmination of an 11-month planning process facilitated by TIP Strategies, an Austin-based consulting firm with a national portfolio of strategy work. The plan’s forward-looking approach reflects GBC’s desire to ignite transformational change and to spur new regional collaborations.

Guiding Principles
All In 2035 was based in four Guiding Principles that reflect the economic development values behind GBC’s vision.
- Global Ambition: Position the people, businesses, and amenities of the Baltimore Region as a globally recognizable and competitive brand.
- Future Focused: Cultivate assets and resources to capture new opportunities and deliver innovative solutions that will shape the future.
- Equitable Growth: Prioritize development approaches that empower residents and create economic opportunity for all.
- Regional Collaboration: Convene partner organizations and people across the region to ensure long-term prosperity for the Baltimore Region.
Goal Areas

Industry + Innovation
The Baltimore Region must work to strengthen the ecosystem for new firms by both improving the overall culture of entrepreneurship and supporting a broader diversity of people to be part of it, while also helping ensure that more research gets translated into new products—and new firms. The region also needs to develop the sites, facilities, and transportation infrastructure needed to spur and enhance new development and attract national and international investment. Finally, it must stand up a full-scale initiative to expand business retention, expansion, and attraction through robust marketing and recruitment efforts, as well as by enhancing local supply chains.

Place + Community
This goal area looks at ways the region can leverage place-based development to enhance economic potential by investing in existing and emerging areas of concentrated economic activity as well as local communities with great potential but also need. It outlines strategies for developing the region’s most significant economic activity centers, cultivating local communities of choice, and developing and maintaining a modern transportation system that supports a competitive economy.

Talent + People
The third goal area aims to tackle challenges related to the demand for and supply of talent through strategies that ensure labor pool skills align with employer needs and that address barriers marginalized communities face in securing stable, well-paying jobs along clear career pathways. The third strategic priority area complements the place and community goal area by communicating and amplifying the amenities that make the region a destination of choice for educated workers.

Data and Trends
Based on comprehensive information gathering, data analysis, and engagement strategies, TIP gained a clear understanding of Baltimore’s major assets, challenges, and opportunities to
advance equitable economic growth. This includes the region’s foundational and opportunity industries and an understanding of regional centers of activity where growth should be prioritized. The work also examined how the needs of workers and employers might better align. This analysis informs the goals and strategies laid out in the plan and is available publicly via a data dashboard.
Media Coverage

The GBC’s report was presented at the business advocacy group’s annual meeting at Tradepoint Atlantic in Sparrows Point on Thursday night. Read More.

The Greater Baltimore Committee (GBC) hosted its 69th annual meeting Thursday night at the expansive Tradepoint Atlantic site at Sparrows Point, welcoming more than 450 attendees from across the region’s business, technology, economic development, nonprofit, and civic sectors for a celebration of the Baltimore Region’s economic promise and resiliency. Read More.

The plan sets priorities to guide private and public investment and regional collaborations that can spark transformational change over a decade. The GBC presented its ideas during its annual meeting Thursday evening, a networking event with cocktails, hors d’oeuvres and entertainers in a cavernous warehouse at Tradepoint Atlantic in Sparrows Point. Read More.

The Greater Baltimore Committee (GBC) will hold its 69th annual meeting at Tradepoint Atlantic in Sparrows Point on May 23. The event will mark the unveiling of the organization’s 10-year economic opportunity plan, which will create a roadmap to achieve a globally competitive and equitable economy in the region. Read More.

The “economic opportunity strategy,” to be developed with the help of a consultant over the next six months, is expected to include initiatives that would attract public and private investment and foster growth of new and existing businesses. Read More.

To craft a bold, decade-long plan, GBC issued a competitive request for proposal in the spring and announced the hiring of TIP Strategies. TIP has worked across the country on regional economic plans with some of the nation’s most successful regional markets, unapologetic in their approach. Read More.